Two Great Gifts You Could Get a Person Who’s Bought a House With a Big, Unruly Garden

If a person in your life has bought a house with a large, messy garden, here are two great ideas for housewarming gifts.

Give them garden giftware that doesn't require effort to utilise

Garden-related giftware is a great option in this situation. However, it's important to choose a type of giftware that your loved one won't need to put much effort into utilising. If for example, you buy them an ornate planter, some soil and a few seeds, your friend will not only need to fill the planter with the soil and plant the seeds but will also need to use a cloche to ensure they stay moist and germinate quickly. They will also need to keep a close eye on them to ensure that no form of disease sets in during this important period. They'll also need to find somewhere to put this planter.

Whilst your friend might enjoy a little project like this after they've settled in, they might not be as pleased with it if they receive it when their garden is still a mess and needs lots of work, and they have not yet unpacked all of their things. At this stage, this gift would be more of a burden than a lovely surprise. This is why if you wanted to buy them this beautiful planter, you should ensure that it comes in its 'ready-to-use' form; that is, packed with soil and a fully-grown, pretty plant. This will mean the only task the recipient will need to do when you give it to them is to find a spot for it in their garden.

Pay for a gardener's services

Alongside a piece of giftware that will have an immediate positive effect on their unruly garden, you might want to pay a gardener to help your friend out for a few days. The reason for this is as follows; whilst this person might be perfectly capable of doing their own gardening in the future, they might not find it that easy to tackle the messiness of their big garden just after they've moved in, as they'll still be exhausted from moving and might not have yet purchased the gardening equipment required for this initial clean-up.

Giving them the gift of a gardener who can quickly whizz through the most physically-demanding gardening work with their commercial equipment will mean this person will get to bask in the beauty of their new garden (and your giftware that's in it) after just a few days of having moved in this property.
