Two reasons to use plastic plant pots in your garden

Even though plastic plant pots might not be the most beautiful, they serve several practical purposes. Here are some reasons to use plant pots made of plastic in your garden.

Plastic plant pots can help to keep potted plants warm when the weather is cold

If your property is located in a place with cold seasons, you should definitely consider adding plastic plant pots to your garden, as these could provide your potted plants with some warmth when the weather gets cold. This is because plastic is a reasonably good insulator and so not much cold air will pass through a plastic plant pot, into the roots of the plant that is potted within it.

Whilst pots made of this material will not completely protect plants during freezing cold weather, they could potentially help them to survive it, by reducing the likelihood of the roots (that are the structure that delivers nutrients to the other parts of a plant) being destroyed by the cold. Furthermore, the added insulation provided by plastic plant pots could also be very useful if you want to grow plants from seed, as warmth is essential for the healthy germination of seeds. 

Plastic plant pots are less likely to cause damage if they fall over

Another reason to consider getting a few plastic plant pots for your garden is that if they fall over, they'll be much less likely to cause damage than pots made of, for instance, terracotta, which is more breakable.

Plastic is a durable material and so a plant pot made from is unlikely to break into several pieces if it tips over (this would only happen if a plant pot was flung with lots of force onto a solid surface). At worst, it might develop a crack or two. This means that if a plastic pot falls over, the plant that's potted in it will be less likely to have its blooms torn or its stems pierced by shards of the broken pot and will, therefore, be easier to re-pot and restore to a healthy condition.

It also means if or when this happens, you might not need to replace the plant pot, but might instead be able to simply use tape or glue to seal up any small cracks. In contrast, because gluing a shattered terracotta pot back together could take forever, you'd probably need to purchase a new one if a pot like this broke into pieces.

For more info about garden pots, contact a local company.  
